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National Technologies Group Blog

National Technologies Group has been serving the Sydney area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Urgent: Protect Yourself Against Heartbleed

b2ap3_thumbnail_bleeding_heart_three_400.jpgApril 7th 2014 was a big day for the world, not only because Microsoft ended security support for Windows XP, but because a massive security flaw was found in the OpenSSL cryptographic library. This problem, called the Heartbleed bug, was found by Google Security, and it leaks information from any applications and services utilizing OpenSSL. The problem, however, is not that it was found; the problem is that over two-thirds of the entire Internet contains sites that utilise the OpenSSL/TLS protocol specification. It also doesn't help that this bug has been active since December of 2012.

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Don't Use These Passwords! The Top 25 Most Popular Passwords of 2013

People have never been very good at making passwords - just ask our tech team. And now, thanks to a list compiled by SplashData, we have definitive proof. Pulling from data made public by hackers over the course of 2013, SplashData has sorted through millions of stolen passwords to find the top 25 most common login details.

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Learning the Hard Way: Burger King Twitter Account Defaced

Burger King hasn't been "having their way" (Get it? Get it?) over the past few days, as hackers have a heyday with the fast food giant's Twitter account. Hackers gained control over the @BugerKing twitter account and rebranded it to appear as McDonalds, complete with the Golden Arches logo in the avatar. Then, hilarity ensued.

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What is your Identity Worth to You?

b2ap3_thumbnail_thumb_identity_20120727-153332_1_20130116-043516_1.jpgYour identity has quite a lot of value, especially in the wrong hands. Security firm ZoneAlarm put together some numbers in 2011 concerning identity fraud, and it even shocked us. Let's talk about a few of these statistics and what it means.

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