NTG webinars are support presentations produced in-house by our team. This knowledge-sharing is part of our committment to working with SMBs, to whom we'd love to offer some useful, thought-provoking content.
Our staff members are excited to be sharing their insights with you via Prezi. Just press play on any of the presentations below, and you can control your viewing experience by cicking on the arrows to progress to the next slide. Be sure to turn on your sound!
Social Media: From One Small Business to Another
This webinar comes to you from the Social Media department of NTG. We know business owners have already endured enough Social Media 101 presentations, so we try not to linger on the why, but rather skip straight to outlining practical strategies for building up an online presence. The presentation is structured around NTG's own experiences with social media as an SMB.
Miranda and Michelle are the Social Media Marketing team at NTG. They're digital media natives who have been blogging, tweeting, and geeking out about social media for about six years.
Coming soon.
Managed IT
Every business decision is made based on available capital. IT professionals--the good ones--can cost a lot of money, prompting many organizations to cut costs by simply going without hiring IT professionals. This presents another assortment of problems, as there is an inherent risk associated with not taking proper care of your technology assets. It also makes technology deployment considerably more difficult, if not impossible.
One-way organizations can take advantage of IT services without having a full-fledged IT department is through a managed service provider, or MSP. MSPs provide many services for a fraction of the cost of an internal IT department, including monitoring and maintaining your network and computing infrastructure. Furthermore, you can trust that they will adhere to industry best practices, as when you succeed, they succeed as well. Through preventative care, MSPs help your business find value in one of the most costly parts of operation: your IT.
Co-Managed IT
Even if your business would rather have an internal IT department, you can still benefit greatly from outsourcing at least a portion of their responsibilities to a MSP. This is called co-managed IT, where your business still maintains an on-site IT staff while outsourcing the remainder of its responsibilities to a managed service provider. This solves a number of issues related to having an on-site IT department.
For example, the IT department of a small business is likely to have issues keeping up with maintenance, helping those in need of assistance, and implementing major projects. There’s just not enough time in the day to make all of this happen regularly. Through co-managed IT, you can outsource specific roles to National Technologies Group to ensure it all goes off without a hitch. The end result is a more focused in-house team that can handle their primary responsibilities while the rest is handled by trusted IT experts. To learn more, reach out to us at +61295186000.
National Technologies Group
Client Technology Centre
Level 3, 50 York Street
NSW 2000 Australia
Phone : +61295186000
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Email : ntgsales@ntg.com.au